A message from the director

Director’s Message

Top 10 schools in Kanpur

“At the very outset, it’s my proud privilege to greet you, with warm prayerful wishes and choicest showers of blessings from the almighty God. As once Leonardo Da Vinci the great Italian artist and scientist remarked: “Iron rusts from disuse, stagnant water loses its purity and in the cold weather become frozen; even so does sap the vigor of the mind”. The seeds of an idea shown in 2002 has quickly come to fruition, and the school is growing into a strong sapling. It is the endeavor of the Management, Principal & Teachers to make the academic life, a smooth journey full of joy and discovery. We at Archies, give a platform for the students to express their creative pursuit which develops in them originality of thought and perception. I extend my warm wishes to the Principal, Staff, and Students of Archies Education Centre to continue this journey on the road of excellence. “May the sapling grow into a sturdy tree and spread its branches”

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